Select Team Members
  • Jon Schwarz
  • Fatema Ahad
  • Andrew Bell
  • Kayla Burt
  • Ayn Cavicchi
  • Huey Chan
  • Weini Chen
  • Jon Daries
  • Kate Doria
  • Michael Ferguson
  • Gregory Harris
  • Sonia Liou
  • Marc Uy
  • Shirley Wong
picture of Jon Schwarz
Jon Schwarz
Director of Institutional Research

Jon returned to Institutional Research after a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Notre Dame. In addition to IR, he has worked in the Offices of Admissions and Minority Education at MIT. Jon earned a bachelor’s degree in rhetoric and political science from Wabash College, a master’s degree in higher education from Harvard, and a master’s and PhD in sociology with concentrations in statistics, research methods, social stratification, and education from Notre Dame.

picture of Fatema Ahad
Fatema Ahad
Senior Analyst for Program Assessment

Fatema is a Program Assessment Analyst at MIT Institutional Research. In this role, she supports administrative program assessment across MIT. Before joining MIT, she worked as a Research analyst for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at UMass Boston. Fatema earned her bachelor’s degree from Northumbria University and a Master of Public Policy (MPP) from the University of Utah. She is pursuing a PhD in Higher Education at UMass Boston. Fatema enjoys exploring the world with her daughter, painting, reading, and watching thriller movies.

picture of Andrew Bell
Andrew Bell
Qualitative Senior Research Analyst

Andrew received a Bachelor’s degree in History from the University of Massachusetts Boston and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work from Simmons University. Prior to joining MIT Institutional Research, Andrew worked in uranium/petroleum exploration, and as a research analyst at the MIT Socio-Technical Systems Research Center (SSRC) on the Post Traumatic Stress Initiatives (PTSI) project. Andrew has also served as a clinical intern at the non-profit Project Place supporting homeless veterans, as well as providing individual SUD therapy at High Point Opioid Treatment Program in Brockton, MA. Andrew is an avid skin diver, whitewater kayak/canoe/rafter, skier, cook, scale modeler, and flight simulator enthusiast.

picture of Kayla Burt
Kayla Burt
Data Analyst

Kayla Burt (KB) holds a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Public Administration, with additional coursework in statistics, economics, and higher education policy. She is currently pursuing a PhD in Information Science and works part-time on the research team at Reflective Educational Research. Previously, KB served as a Data Research Analyst at the Sloan School of Management and a Program Administrator at the MIT Media Lab. In her free time, she enjoys playing and watching most sports and growing the game of golf through organizations like the First Tee of Massachusetts, Fairways to Leadership, and PGA REACH WNY.

picture of Ayn Cavicchi
Ayn Cavicchi
Project Manager

Ayn received her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from Wellesley College. Prior to joining the Institutional Research Group, she worked in the MIT Anthropology Program as Research Project Manager, where she focused on qualitative research. In addition, she has worked on projects at Harvard Business School, the Safra Center for Ethics, Harvard Law School, and Boston University. Outside of work Ayn has a slight obsession with all things culinary.

picture of Huey Chan
Huey Chan
Database Manager

Huey received a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science for Data Management from the University of Toronto. Prior to joining MIT Institutional Research, Huey has worked at the MIT Data Warehouse, the MIT Student Information System, and the Yale University Library System Office. Huey works for the AAUDE data warehouse and on a variety of other projects.

picture of Weini Chen
Weini Chen
Database Analyst/Programmer

Weini received a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Master’s degree in Finance from Brandeis University. Weini has worked previously at MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab and UC San Diego Department of Medicine. Weini’s work in the Institutional Research group focuses on the AAUDE data warehouse and the MITx projects.

picture of Jon Daries
Jon Daries
Associate Director

Jon received a Bachelor’s degree in Plan II Honors from the University of Texas at Austin and a Master’s in higher education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Prior to working in the Institutional Research group, he worked in law school career planning, in the accounting office of a university IT department, and as an English teacher in Japanese elementary and middle schools.

picture of Kate Doria
Kate Doria
Assistant Director

Kate received a Bachelor’s degree from Bates College where she studied Psychology and Mathematics, and an MBA from Boston University Questrom School of Business. Prior to joining MIT Institutional Research, she worked in the institutional research offices at Carleton College and Amherst College. Kate enjoys running and pottery.

picture of Michael Ferguson
Michael Ferguson
Senior Data Analyst

Michael received a Bachelor’s degree from New College of Florida. Prior to joining MIT Institutional Research, he worked in Admissions, Corporate Relations, and Sponsored Programs at various institutions. Michael enjoys ultimate frisbee as a player, coach, and league director.

picture of Gregory Harris
Gregory Harris
Associate Director

Greg joined the Institutional Research group in 2001 as a graduate student intern and became staff the following year. In 2010 he earned his doctorate in higher education from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics from New College of Florida. Greg works on a variety of analytical projects, many involving survey data and faculty compensation.

picture of Sonia Liou
Sonia Liou
Associate Director

Sonia earned a Bachelor’s degree in computer information science at Ohio State University. She has worked as a research analyst in the School of Graduate and Continuing Education at Bridgewater State University and for the Scripps Gerontology Center at Miami University (Ohio). Sonia’s work in the Institutional Research group focuses on faculty and graduate admissions data.

picture of Marc Uy
Marc Uy
Program Coordinator

Marc Uy is a Program Coordinator at MIT Institutional Research. He brings a background in program management and data-driven outreach from his previous role as Senior Program Manager for a faith-based non-profit, where he coordinated large-scale events and supported programs for students at institutions such as MIT and Harvard.

In this role, Marc helps manage day-to-day operations and event logistics, support the IR web portal, and coordinate access to key institutional data. His strategic planning experience enhances Institutional Research’s operations and improves data accessibility across the Institute.

picture of Shirley Wong
Shirley Wong
Special Project Manager

Shirley has seen the IR team grow and change with over 20 years of experience with the group. She works directly with internal stakeholders including senior officers and departments administrators. Projects for external stakeholders such as Congress members and prospective students are also under her purview.

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