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Research Expenditures

View Research Expenditure by Primary Sponsor. Includes NASA, NSF, and more.

Campus Research Expenditures by Primary Sponsor over time

MIT is one of the leading research universities in the world. Basic and applied research at MIT is conducted in two principal locations, the MIT campus in Cambridge, Massachusetts and off-campus at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory, a federally funded research and development center (FFRDC) in Lexington, Massachusetts.

All research support received by MIT faculty and research staff from federal sources is awarded competitively, based on the scientific and technical merit of proposals.


Campus Research Expenditures by Primary Sponsor for FY2023

These numbers represent expenditures by primary originating sponsor. Federal totals include funding that is passed through other sources (universities, etc.)

SponsorExpenditures ($ in thousands)
Department of Defense126,414
Department of Energy89,289
Department of Health and Human Services160,053
National Science Foundation95,511
Other Federal Agencies19,470
Total Federal526,437
Foundations and other Nonprofits103,352
State, Local, and Foreign Governments22,911
MIT Internal21,819
Total Non-Federal310,956
Grand Total837,392

*Numbers may not total due to rounding.